Little Panda for New Pet ?

Do you have a pet ? Hm.. i sure it should be a dog or cat ? or another pet ? But at this time , i want toshow about how Panda get bigger from newly bitrth. I wish i can have a panda as my pet , but unfortunelty you can't because Panda is protected by law , therefore we can't have it as our pet. Actually i never saw Panda for real , i only look it from TV , magazine , etc. So i'm very happy when i got an email about Panda, yeah i mean , Panda is a very cute animal and so friendly . They only eat vegetables , and her/his favourite food is Bamboo , i don't know what it taste like , but for sure , they like it. So please enjoy the pictures below. I want a Panda !

Little Panda

Little Panda

Little Panda

Little Panda

Little Panda

Little Panda

Little Panda

Little Panda

Little Panda

Little Panda

Little Panda

Little Panda

Little Panda

Little Panda

Little Panda

Cute Hah? I'll bet ! when they still a baby , its look very cute , but when its getting bigger and bigger.. hmm... stil cute anyway.. but looks more cool than cute. By the way , thanks for visiting my blog again , sorry is my English is not quite good , still in the learning process friend. If you want to exchange link with my blog , just link my blog and leave a message on your c-box , i'll link you back as soon as possible , thanks.

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