Coolest Photos of The Year

It's one of my favourite email which i got from my friend in the office , the email contains severals number of amazing pictures . Honestly m i don't know wheter these pictures are real or just adobe photoshop work of arts , but it seems very real so... well i guess it's real but don't know for sure. Saya dapat email ini dari teman - teman di kantor , biasalah lagi dalam kondisi osen ngeliatin kerjaan dikantor , eh tiba- tiba dapet email keren dari teman... ya uda saya buka aja , ternyata gambar - gambarnya menarik sekali , apalagi gambar yang terakhir.. hahaha.. very facinating... very cool. Enjoy it !!! Eh kalo mau gedein tuh gambar, tinggal clik aja di gambarnya ya..

1. Sun in my hand

Coolest Photos of The Year

2. Eagle Storm

Coolest Photos of The Year

3. Fire Starter

Coolest Photos of The Year

4. Amazing Cloud

Coolest Photos of The Year

5. When light start lighting the earth

Coolest Photos of The Year

6. Not a good day to surf

Coolest Photos of The Year

This are my favourite pictures, until know i don't know wheter the person in the picture still alive or not..

7. Shark attacks

Coolest Photos of The Year

Pretty cool hah?? emang keren ... jadi terus mampir ke blog ini , tunggu email - email sampah dari temen - temen saya di kantor.. hahahaha.. dan keep blogging... maju terus blog Indonesia , and for others who visit my blog for other countries , thank you so much for visiting my personal blog.

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