The Most Crazy Restaurant Ever ! You Must Risk Your Life For This Kind of Restaurant ! I think this this can only happen in China , i'm not kidding ! The way to this restaurant is like between hell and heaven , you must risk your life to eat in that restaurant, i bet that the view from that restaurant must be very beautiful. People wo built it must be crazy, but people who go to that restaurant is more crazy! Jeez ! Just take a look!
1. First you will ride that things , well this is ordinary ! Easy yeah? Wait!

2. Start walking on this small path next to ravine ! becarefull!

3. Don't forget to step carefully or you will go to the heaven or hell!

4. Don't look back!

5. Its more difficult if other people coming from the other direction

6. Hoping this thing won't drop / fall down

7. Climb up ! save your power! one two.... one two... almost finish.. hang on !

8. At last... save way / path

9. Welcome ! what do you want to eat?? don't forget about going home !

Extreme enough?? do you have a plan to go there?? well i think you should pretty sure about your decision , at least buy an insurance ... death insurance or health insurance ... it will be better. If you have more interesting restaurant please let me know! Thank you
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