Back again to my site , after a long time not posting anything , now i have a chance to post again , today i'm gonna share you about one of most outstanding things that i ever seen. I'll bet you all already know about piranha fish right ? the predator fidh who lives in Amazon forest , this fish work in group , they can kill you at very short time with nothing left. Usually i saw a piranha fish only as big as by hand palm , but after you see below pictures , you will amazed. The piranha below is so big , maybe it can kill you by its own , not using its friends.Piranhas are normally about 15 to 25 cm long (6 to 10 inches), although reportedly individuals have been found up to 41 cm (16.4 inches) in length.Serrasalmus, Pristobrycon, Pygocentrus, and Pygopristis are most easily recognized by their unique dentition. All piranhas have a single row of sharp teeth in both jaws; the teeth are tightly packed and interlocking (via small cusps) and used for rapid puncture and shearing. Individual teeth are typically broadly triangular, pointed, and blade-like (flat in profile). There is minor variation in the number of cusps; in most species the teeth are tricuspid with a larger middle cusp that makes the individual teeth appear markedly triangular. The exception is Pygopristis, which has pentacuspid teeth and a middle cusp that is usually only slightly larger than the other cusps. In the scale-eating Catoprion, the shape of their teeth is markedly different and the premaxillary teeth are in two rows, as in most other serrasalmines.
For comparison , i already added the comparison pictures , the piranha below is the piranha in regular size , please compare it. Piranha above is almost 10 times bigger that below piranha .
After seeing above pictures , my suggestion is : if you go to Brazil , especially Amazon , please think twice or triple before you decided to swim in the river or whatever lake. Or.. you maybe ...... yeah you now what i mean. Ok , see you on the next post , with posting , we can see the other countries all over the world.
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